Dads Hikes with Babies
Build connections with other dads and strengthen bonds with your baby
When: Nov 7 and Dec 4, 10-11:30a
Where: East Bay Regional Parks, location provided upon registration
Cost: By donation
For: New dads AND their pre-crawling infants
Accessibility: Wheelchair accessible routes available, please don't come if you're feeling sick or have been recently exposed to COVID
You will leave with...
What to expect...
Practice getting out of the house with your baby​
An easy hike using a carrier or similar gear (BYO)
Get-to-know-you activities to meet other dads
Exercises to strengthen bonds with your baby
That feeling of "I'm not alone" and the experience of "dads dadding together"
"It’s just a really unique thing, I’ve never been part of something like it."
"Absolutely loved it. I think everyone in my family benefited from the dad's group in some way!"
"I feel generally better knowing that there are other dads out there who give a shit and are present in their kid's life."
Can I bring my baby? Yes! We welcome pre-crawling infants and expect participants to bring theirs. We will intersperse stationary breaks throughout the low-key hike to allow for feeding, changes, and caring for our little ones–and ourselves. We expect babies to cry, fuss, protest and make lots of other noises and that’s okay. Andrew loves holding babies if you need to use the bathroom or just need a little breather.
Can I bring my partner? If your partner identifies as a man, then yes! Otherwise, no. The experience is designed for men to connect with one another and their babies.
What gear should I bring? Bring a carrier or similar gear, sun protection, water, brown-bag lunch, a backpack to carry things, and whatever you need to care for your babe while out of the house (diaper(s), wipes, bottles, spare clothes, etc.). Andrew will provide a communal changing pad and blankets for us to huddle on.
How old/young can my baby be? We welcome pre-crawling infants and their dads. If your kiddo is on the move, check out our Support Groups for Dads (for papas with kiddos of any age) and email Andrew if you have any questions.
I see there are multiple dates, can I come to more than one? Absolutely! You're welcome to join as many sessions as you like and meet more people.
This is my second (or third, or fourth, etc.) baby, can I join? Yes! While the majority of us are first timers, we understand guys may be looking for connection and community after multiple “reps.” This is a come-as-you-are party.
What does "by donation" mean? At the end of the hike we'll invite participants to make donations to support future programs for dads and dads to be. No one turned away for lack of funds.